2023 Ariadne Forecast for European Social Change and Human Rights Funders

The Ariadne Forecast is a community created resource that draws on the Ariadne network. Ariadne participants and other friends of the network were asked six questions about trends in their field for 2023. We collected surveys and interviews from members across Europe and in-person forecast meetings for funders in France and Italy, as well as online meetings in the UK, the Netherlands and Germany to discuss and add to the findings. In the end we estimate that around 195 people have had the chance to contribute to the Forecast. While the meetings and discussions at them were private, the final forecast is publicly available for all, as a reflection on the current direction of the sector


The report looks at the challenges and opportunities this year might bring for grantees; how funder practice could change; which political events are likely to affect their work; what will become more important in the months ahead; and – perhaps most importantly – what to feel hopeful about. There are chapters on France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, and the UK, plus a broader, global focus.

The challenges ahead may be great, but philanthropy can play a role in helping us overcome them.

Publication date: March 2023