BLOG: 3 things funders can do following the ‘Illegal Migration Act’
How can funders better support the organisations they give grants to in the UK refugee and migration sector, now that the harmful ‘Illegal Migration Act’ has passed into law?
MEX Co-Directors Marchu Belete and Sarah Cutler share three suggestions in a new blog.
In July, the appalling ‘Illegal Migration Act’ became law. The implications for people seeking protection are terrifying. Civil society organisations and many politicians across the UK and the world are united in their dismay, warning of global ramifications for refugee protection.
People directly impacted by the Act’s provisions are regrouping and looking to the future. They are organising, resisting and campaigning. They will be supported by hundreds of charities and NGOs, which as our new research has shown, now rely more than ever on trusts and foundations.
How can funders respond in this moment? Drawing on the views of NGOs across the country, in a new blog post, our Co-Directors highlight three things that independent funders can do in the months ahead.